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About Srijan Control Drive
Established in 1975, Srijan Control Drives has come out with AC Synchronous and Step/Stepper motors. In those days Srijan was the only company to make stepping motors in India.Commenced in a tiny garage, now is a leader in development of low wattage DC, BLDC motors for the first time in India. For last 38 years, Srijan has been well known in the motor development field.Late Mr. Balwant Deshpande was the founder member of this company. Now it is a family owned business, which is now growing in guidance ...
Contact Us
Corporate Office:Unit No. 25, ElectronicCo - Op Estate,
Pune - SataraRoad, Pune - 411 009 Maharashtra, India.
Telephone No. :
+91 - 020 - 24225650 / 51 / 52 / 53.
(Please contact us through email/fax as far as possible.Thank you!)
Fax No. : +91 - 020 - 24225654.
Email-Id: srijanmotors@gmail.com